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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Trying to Predict the Future

So last week we learned that Justice League International is being canceled for reasons as yet unknown. I've gnashed my teeth over the potential loss of Skeets and the future undiscovered country for the members of the JLI. What could motivate DC to do such things?

I'm not alone in trying to guess what's coming next. Among those speculating is Tom Bondurant, who considers the JLI's future in his "Grumpy Old Fan" column for Comic Book Resources's Robot 6 blog.

A JLI book which took such an approach [as Checkmate] might come out something like Joe Kelly and Doug Mahnke's Justice League Elite. That wouldn't be so bad by itself, but if the next JLI included high-profile superheroes like Booster Gold and Guy Gardner, having to juggle public images with office politics and the dangers of diplomacy, it could be a real change of pace for the League books.

Or, you know, DC could just make it another "proactive" super-team like Extreme Justice...

Some people remember the Alamo or the Lusitania. I remember Extreme Justice. *shudder*

Meanwhile, James Hunt reports for Comic Book Resources on DC's panel at the Kapow Comic Convention in London last weekend. After DC Co-Publisher Dan DiDio rejected a question about the Flash from an event attendee, another audience member asked about the future of Booster Gold and Skeets. Dan DiDio's response was short and cryptic:

DiDio: There is a definite plan. I love Skeets! Just like I love Wally West.

Take note that's the same Wally West who, despite being the focus of the past 25 years of Flash comics, hasn't been seen since his predecessor ruined history in Flashpoint. Could Skeets be busy behind-the-scenes working to restore the missing West to reality? Or does DiDio just mean that we won't be seeing Skeets anytime soon, either?

Poor, poor Skeets.

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